Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Lotion Quest

I, like probably many women and girls, have been on a life long quest for the perfect lotion. Or really anything that will make my legs feel more like silk than sand paper. First of all I have extremely dry skin and legs. Without any moisturizer my legs could just about sand paint off of wood. So I have been on a quest to find the best moisturizer since middle school. And I have probably kept Jergens, St. Ives, and Bath and Body Works in business through the recession because of my quest. Sadly, none of these brand have worked like I wanted them. I hate lotion that is overpowering in smell. Even if it smells great at first, the smell usually gets old after a while. I also am not a fan of lotion that takes FOREVER to sink in. I don't have time in my life to sit and rub lotion on my legs for 20 years. And then there is always the lotion that works for all of 5 minutes. You know the one. You rub it in, and then 3 minutes later, you would never know you had lotion on cause your skin is dry and scratchy again.

Enter a "real-housewife" of New York. I loved Betheny Frankel when I first started watching that train-wreck of a show (You know the shows that are just so bad you have to watch?) I thought she was hilarious, and said the things that I am thinking. Well apparently in addition to making booze (Skinny Girl Margaritas) she is now making soaps and lotions. I saw this soothing body oil and thought I would give it a try.

I honestly did not have much hopes that I would like it. Past experience told me that it would be too perfumed, too oily, or wouldn't moisturize enough. Well boy was I surprised. First of all, while not organic, it its made of only oils and perfume. Safflower oil is the first ingredient, with sweet almond oil and coconut oil next on the list then perfume and squalane which is an oil from plant and animals.

This body oil is supposed to be for pregnant women to use on there growing baby bumps. But who say's only to-be mommies can use it? Especially when it works so very well and doesn't over power you with a smell. Speaking of, the smell is quite pleasant. It is very light and floral. I have been using it for about a month on my legs and I am a very happy camper. My legs feel like a baby's bottom! In fact they have never felt this soft. The oil sinks in pretty quickly, and never stains my pants. And the smell works really well with any other perfume I put on because it is so light.

I usually use it right after I get out of the shower and towel off and in just the time it takes me to put my hair in a towel, it has usually already sunk into my skin. I definitely recommend giving this oil a try if you are like me and need something to moisturize your skin without being a headache.

If you want to give it a try you can get it at most Wal-mart's or here online: SkinnyGirl

So I would give SkinnyGirl Soothing Body Oil 5/5 stars!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Introductions and a Quest

Hi, my name is Kristen and I am on a quest. A quest for what you might ask? Well let's begin with a story. I began this quest when I was about 14 years old. That is when I realized that I would never be able to wake up and simply brush my hair and go out the door. I was "blessed" with curly hair. Over the years I had to learn how to style my hair which was a bit difficult considering I am the only one in my family or group of friends with this particular blessing. I cannot count how many times I left the house looking like a poof ball because I didn't know you shouldn't brush dry curls, which would inevitably result in my hair in a ponytail or bun so I didn't have to deal with it.

My hair, in a bun with a headband to keep the bangs out of my face (i.e. a day when my hair frustrated me!)

So when I started high school, I started my quest to find the best hair products for my hair (dry and curly). I am still on that quest today lol. I have tried just about every thing to get beautiful non-crunchy (you know, the hair that has so much gel in it one looks a little like Medusa?) curls. This blog will be a testament to what I have tried and what succeeded or failed in hopes that maybe it can help someone reading it!

My second quest is similar to the first. In addition to dry hair, I have also been blessed with extremely dry skin. You know that Jergens commercial where we see a little girl constantly scratching and then she grows up, finds the perfect lotion and she never has to scratch again? Yea that girl is me. In the winter I am constantly itchy because of my dry arms and legs. So my second quest of life is to find the perfect moisturizer. This quest is difficult though because I hate lotion that takes forever to sink in (so you look like you have white streaks all over), is sticky, or is way too perfumed. This quest has lead to quite a collection of lotions in the hopes of finding the perfect one.

Finally my last quest is mostly for fun. I love makeup. I love buying new colors, different types, and trying new products. I am constantly searching for the perfect foundation, concealer, and powder because none work perfectly. They either don't match my coloring, wipe right off, or sink into my fine lines and make me look much older than 27. I also love painting my nails, and playing with colorful eye liner. So this last quest will involve some reviews of my favorites in make up and some products that just did not work for me.

See how pale I am? Not a good foundation match!

Just one last note before I go, I promise you I am affiliated with no company. I am actually a graduate student who just needs to write about something other than healthcare and thought this would be a fun experiment! If I write about a product, that means I bought it with my own money. I love reading product reviews and I know the feeling when you find out that the reviewer is biased because they make a profit off of you buying the product, so I promise you, if I recommend something, that means I went out and purchased it myself!

I hope you are having an awesome weekend and be sure to check during the week cause I will definitely have some reviews for you!